Deborah Reynolds
Mal de mer? Experiencing a bit of seasickness?
Here are 8 Natural and Effective Seasickness Remedies
When it comes to feeling seasick, you’re in good company, and famous company with the likes of sailors including Lord Nelson, Christopher Columbus and Charles Darwin, all who reportedly suffered from mal de mer.
When we experience seasickness it feels like time slows down and the minutes of suffering may feel like eternity. What’s happening is that our equilibrium gets thrown off by the motion of the waves. It’s basically a conflict among your senses. Your eyes are seeing one thing, while your muscles and your inner ears sense something else. It comes in many forms, from visual disorientation and stomach cramps to turning “green” complexions and nausea which sometimes has people hanging over the sides.
There are ways to get this under control. There are a myriad of remedies for seasickness and they vary from natural remedies like ginger and crackers to prescription drugs. What works is different for everyone.
One of the important keys to not being seasick is prevention. The three important steps to start with are to make sure you are well hydrated, well rested and snack to keep regular blood sugar levels.
Natural remedies that some people find helpful are ginger, preferably raw or infused as a tea, can have a healing effect. Some people find that the fresh taste of peppermint as a tea or chewing gum helps with preventing nausea. Some people arm themselves against seasickness. by taking vitamin C taken in high doses (2x1g/day) before their boating trip.
Another natural preventative is to use (put on before leaving) an acupressure wristbands. They are based on Chinese medicine where there is pressure on a specific acupressure point for nausea and vomiting are said to be significantly alleviated or even disappear altogether.
The key to preventing seasickness is to turn to these remedies before the onset of seasickness. Here are some suggestions that people have found to work the best. If you do get seasick, do not go below unless you have to. Try to keep your eyes fixed on the horizon as it gives your body a balancing point. Stay in the fresh air. Another simple remedy is to take the wheel. You essentially trick the body by concentrating on the helm and simultaneously fixing on the horizon.
If you are not one for taking over the counter remedies and prefer all-natural seasickness remedies, these are time-tested and true options. Having food in your stomach of some sort helps a lot of people, some find a banana or munching on crackers or ginger cookies is enough to stave it off. Try each remedy for yourself first and see if it alleviates your symptoms.
1. Ginger
Ginger root is an excellent natural remedy for seasickness. Try ginger in candy form (there are wonderful ginger chews) ginger tea, ginger cookies, ginger soda, and if you don’t like the taste there are ginger capsules. Lots of people swear by it. Here is our favorite ginger candy we like to keep on board.
2. Emergen-C
Vitamin C dosing before you leave for you boating excurion is said to be very helpful in preventing seasickness. In studies vitamin C was shown to suppress symptoms of seasickness, and an interesting findings is that the effect was more pronounced for females than in males (except in men younger than 27 years). Women, give it a try – you have your own special remedy!
3. Crackers & Pretzels
There’s something about crackers that works for many people. Pretzels as well. Perhaps it’s the saltiness or something to absorb stomach acid. Maybe it’s simply having a bit of nourishment and salty something in my stomach to digest, but it’s one of my easy go-to methods. I always bring crackers onboard the boat, whether it’s saltines or sandwich crackers.
4. Green Apples
We all know the ditty, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but it turns out that an apple a day keeps the seasickness away – specifically green apples. The pectin in green apples helps neutralize acid in the stomach, while the natural sugar helps settle the stomach.
5. Acupressure Wristbands
Acupressure wristbands work by putting pressure on a specific point on the wrist associated with nausea. The bands contain a small bead that lines up with the inside of your wrist along the pressure point. They are a great preventative treatment and can also take effect three to five minutes after wearing.
These days you can find lots of manufacturers if wrist band solutions, from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. They’re considered a natural remedy and many people swear by them.
The good thing is they come in both adult and children’s wrist sizes. They are very safe even for expecting mothers. Check out Amazon for these popular brands.
6. Fixed Gazing At The Horizon
What works to prevent seasickness quite well for many people is to keep a fixed gaze on the horizon. And it’s free! And as we previously stated, a very simple remedy is to take the wheel, get your mind off the stomach and out to the horizon. You essentially trick the body by concentrating on the helm and simultaneously fixing on the horizon.
7. Location and Environment
Go to the part of the boat where you have a clear site of the horizon and there is the least motion. Less motion means less disagreement between your eyes and ears. Sip on carbonated waters, munch some crackers, be with a group of people who are entertaining enough to take your mind off your stomach.
Here’s a pair of glasses developed in France by an optometrist who set about to find a cure for seasickness. They were tested on the French Navy and passed. Not the biggest fashion statement but they work! You only have to wear them for about 15 minutes until they “readjust” you and you can enjoy the rest of your boating day without them.
8. Deep Breathing Exercises
Deep breathing does wonders. When you feel nauseous, inhale deeply through your nose to the count of three, hold your breath to the count of three, and exhale out the mouth to the count of three. Repeat until it passes.