Get Serious About Fun For The Best Life
February 6, 2025charter a yacht
Getting Serious About Fun Why Prioritizing Joy Is Essential for Health, Relationships, and Well-Being In a world that glorifies productivity and hustle, fun often gets relegated to the bottom of our priorities. Yet, science and…
Men! Extend Your Life Span In The Great Outdoors Of Boating
February 1, 2025boating,men's life span,outdoor health,healthy living,charter a yacht,
Want to Expand Your Life Span? Put The Great Outdoors on Your “Man Things To Do List” When it comes to men’s health, the facts are eye-opening and a reminder of why taking action matters. Research shows that, on average, men live 5-7…
Love and Longing: The Sea’s Eternal Role in Shaping Romance and Traditions
January 30, 2025San Francisco Sailing,luxury yachts,family boating,tying the knot,love at sea,skippered charter,valentine's day,books,maritime history,sea as muse,sunset sail,charter a yacht,
The sea, like love, is not for the faint-hearted. Its depths hold what cannot be spoken, its waves carry what must be faced. To love is to surrender to a current stronger than yourself, trusting the tides to bring you ashore or carry you…
Valentine’s Day: A Fascinating History Of Pagens, Saints, And Poets
January 29, 2025San Francisco Sailing,luxury yachts,sailing,San Francisco Charter,charter a yacht,boat rental,valentine's day,chocolate,yacht charters,love,history,charter a yacht,
Valentine’s Day A Celebration of Love, Friendship, and Fascinating History When we think of Valentine’s Day, images of candlelit dinners and red roses might come to mind, but the roots of this beloved holiday tell a much broader story.…
What Are The Benefits Of Joining a Boating Club?
January 26, 2025powerboat,Boat club,Boating Resources,boating life,boating lifestyle,powerboat lessons,boat rental. yacht charter,boating club,san francisco boat club,learn to sail,learn to boat,family boating,Beneteau & Lagoon Used Yachts,
The Benefits of Joining a Boating Club For those with a passion for water and the emotional well-being the outdoors provides, joining a boating club offers a host of advantages. Boating clubs offer individuals who love…
What Makes A Sunset Sail So Special
January 26, 2025charter a yacht
What Makes A Sunset Sail So Special Every sunset is beautiful, but watching the sun dip below the horizon from a sailboat on San Francisco Bay, with the…
The Synergy of Yoga and Sailing
January 22, 2025mindfulness,mindfulness meditation,meditation + sailing,yoga and sailing,yoga retreat,mindfulness of sailing,yoga,winter sailing,charter a yacht,
The Synergy of Yoga and Sailing Embracing Winter and Nature’s Serenity We are deeply connected to nature, even if we sometimes forget. Spending time outdoors reminds us of our connection and offers a peace and renewal that can’t be found…
Boating - Your Gateway To Health, Connection, and Lifelong Memories
January 17, 2025San Francisco Sailing,powerboat,boating,sailing,boating life,boating lifestyle,powerboat lessons,charter a yacht,family boating,outdoor activities and mental health,adventure outdoors,boating health,family activities,charter a yacht,
Boating Your Gateway to Health, Connection, and Lifelong MemoriesThe world offers a myriad of activities for families to participate in, in fact it can be overwhelming trying to decide what will be worth your time and money. But if you’re…
The Thrill Of The Chill - Why Cooler Weather Matters
November 21, 2024Boat club,charters,boating lifestyle,powerboat lessons,angel island,charter a yacht,meditation,meditation + sailing,angel island hike,hiking and boating,charter a yacht,
Embrace Winter Weather For Resilient, Healthy Living The Norwegians have a word I love: friluftslive (pronounced free-loofts-liv). It translates to…
Help Your Team Unwind, Recharge, and Innovate On The Water
November 16, 2024San Francisco Sailing,powerboat,sf sailing,charters,charter a yacht,mindfulness,corporate charter,corporate sailing day,team building,team celebration,team meeting,charter a yacht,
Unwind, Recharge, and Innovate Why Corporate Yacht Charters are the Ultimate Creativity and Team-Building Boost In daily corporate life, stress can build up, eroding creativity and weakening team…
Your Brain On Boating Lessons
November 2, 2024powerboat,boating,Boat club,powerboat lessons,mindfulness,stress release,brain health,boating and resilience,building resiliance with boating,cognitive function and learning,neuroplasticity,boat lessons,boating lessons,well-being on the water,charter a yacht,
How Learning to Boat Builds Cognitive Resilience And Brain Health We have taught a lot of people to boat over the last 35+ years. If there is one thing I know…
Finding Mindfulness In Mother Nature - And Our Nature
September 25, 2024San Francisco Sailing,sailing,meditation,mindfulness,mindfulness meditation,meditation + sailing,meditation and sailing,stress release,blue mind,mindfulness practice,charter a yacht,
Mindfulness in Nature and as a Practice There are probably few people living in our modern times that have not heard the term mindfulness tossed around, probably to the point of numbness. We’ve all heard about the…
Chartering A Yacht on San Francisco Bay: Exploring World Famous Sites
September 25, 2024San Francisco Sailing,boating,charters,angel island,charter a yacht,boat rental. yacht charter,boat rental,treasure island,sausalito,golden gate bridge,private yacht charter,charter a yacht,
Chartering A Yacht on San Francisco Bay: Exploring Iconic Sites from the Water San Francisco Bay is one of the most beautiful and dynamic boating destinations in the world. Chartering a private…
The Power of the Beginner's Mind in Self-Care and Stress Management
September 18, 2024San Francisco Sailing,boating,sailing,meditation,mindfulness,mindfulness meditation,meditation + sailing,meditation and sailing,habits,beginner's mind,charter a yacht,
The Power of Beginner's Mind in Self-Care and Stress Management "In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities; in the expert's mind, there are few." — Shunryu Suzuki The "expert's mind" is a term often contrasted with the…
How Sailing and Nature Unleashes Your Creativity
September 8, 2024San Francisco Sailing,sailing,women sailors,mindfulness,mindfulness meditation,blue mind,biophilia,creativity,writing and sailing,nature and creativity,biophilia and sailing,writing + sailing,charter a yacht,
Set Sail for Creativity How Sailing and Nature Can Unleash Your Creative Potential Many of history’s great creators, from writers like Thoreau and Hemingway to inventors like Tesla and Darwin, turned to nature for inspiration. They didn’t…
Enjoy Boating To Angel Island And A Hike Through Its Rich History
September 5, 2024charter a yacht
Exploring the Rich History of Angel Island State Park A Journey Through Time for Hikers Angel Island, located in the heart of San Francisco Bay, is not only a stunning destination for outdoor enthusiasts but also a place…
The Debilitating Effects of Constant Device Use - Unplug And Get Outdoors
September 5, 2024charter a yacht
Unplug and Sail Away The Debilitating Effects of Constant Device Use It’s almost impossible to escape the pull of our devices. I know that when I have to engage in focused attention, I have to hide my phone from site, shut down all tabs,…
A Sky Full of History: The Story of Fleet Week and the Blue Angels in San Francisco
August 29, 2024San Francisco Sailing,charters,charter a yacht,fleet week,air show,boat rental,site-seeing,2024 fleet week,yacht charter,san francisco bay yacht charter,fleet week yacht charter,charter a yacht,
A Sky Full of History: The Story of Fleet Week and the Blue Angels in San Francisco Every fall, San Francisco’s skies are painted in streaks of blue and gold as the Blue Angels soar over the bay, performing jaw-dropping…
The Science Behind Why Being on the Water Feels So Good
July 21, 2024mindfulness,mindfulness meditation,meditation + sailing,meditation and sailing,stress release,blue mind,biophilia,nature,sailing and mental health,charter a yacht,
The Science Behind Our Sailing + Meditation Retreat Why Being on the Water Feels So Good Every time I come back from a day of sailing I feel like a new person. It’s almost magical how the ocean washes away stress, restores my sense of…
Nature's Secret to Calm and Creativity
July 15, 2024San Francisco Sailing,sailing,boating lifestyle,meditation,mindfulness,mindfulness meditation,meditation + sailing,meditation and sailing,stress release,blue mind,biophilia,charter a yacht,
Nature's Secret to Calm and Creativity: Embracing Biophilia and Blue Mind: Have you ever felt a deep sense of peace while gazing at a lush landscape or listening to the gentle rhythmic lapping of waves? It’s no coincidence. Biophilia…
The Not-So-Great Indoors
July 11, 2024boating,Boating Resources,sailing,charters,meditation,mindfulness,meditation + sailing,meditation and sailing,blue mind,outdoors,adventure outdoors,sailing and mindfulness,biophilia,charter a yacht,
The Not-So-Great Indoors: Nurtured By Nature In an ironic twist of modern life, the "great outdoors" has become increasingly foreign to many of us. It seems we are undergoing another great migration, but this one is people moving indoors.…
Navigating Life's Waves: How Meditation, Sailing, and Mindfulness Build Resilience
July 3, 2024boating,sailing,boating lifestyle,mindfulness,meditation and sailing,resilience,mindfulness and resiliance,outdoor activities and mental health,charter a yacht,
Navigating Life's Waves: How Meditation, Sailing, and Mindfulness Build Resilience In our fast-paced, stress-filled world, building mental and emotional resilience is more important than ever. It's what helps us bounce back from…
Nurturing Your Mind, Body & Soul In Stressed Out Times - Mindfulness & Sailing
June 19, 2024San Francisco Sailing,boating,Boat club,sailing,boating lifestyle,sailing and health,meditation,mindfulness,mindfulness meditation,wellness,mental health,outdoor mindfulness,charter a yacht,
Mindfulness and Sailing: Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Soul In These Stressed Out Times Sailing and mindfulness might seem like two unrelated concepts, but they share many of the same beneficial physical and emotional benefits and…
Does It Make Sense To Join A Boating Club?
June 12, 2024powerboat,boating,yachts,Boat club,Boating Resources,boating life,boating lifestyle,powerboat lessons,charter a yacht,
Does It Make Sense To Join A Boating Club? Should I own a boat or join a boating club? This is a big question for people when they want to start boating. While private ownership has a certain allure, a boating club offers a compelling…
2024 San Francisco Fleet Week – The Best View For The Air Show Is On The Bay
2024 San Francisco Fleet Week – The Best View For The Air Show Is On The Bay. Get ready for a week of high-flying fun! San Francisco Fleet Week kicks off on October 7, 2024, and runs through October 15, 2024. This action-packed event…
Celebrate Father's Day In San Francisco 2024: Charter A Yacht and Go Boating!
June 5, 2024San Francisco Sailing,luxury yachts,sf sailing,sailing,San Francisco Charter,boating lifestyle,charter a yacht,boat rental. yacht charter,boat rental,site-seeing,charter a yacht,
This Father's Day Discover Adventure Sailing and Boating on San Francisco Bay San Francisco Bay, with its iconic skyline and storied history, offers a spectacular setting for sailing and boating enthusiasts, and boating on the…
Living The Wild Life and Preserving San Francisco Bay
A Guide to Protecting Our Local Wildlife and Ecosystem When I am out boating on the Bay, I deeply get how easily we can take for granted the unparalleled natural beauty in our midst as Bay Area residents. I know for myself that it's…
The Adventure And Beauty Of Boating On San Francisco Bay
May 23, 2024San Francisco Sailing,powerboat,boating,luxury yachts,sailing,catamaran,charters,boating life,boating lifestyle,powerboat lessons,angel island,charter a yacht,boat rental,site-seeing,charter a yacht,
Beauty, Adventure, and The Ride Of A Lifetime - 10 Reasons To Enjoy Go Boating Today! Boating on San Francisco Bay delivers a potent dose of plain old AWE, as well as other powerful emotional benefits, a gratifying physical experience, and…
Get Your Blue Mind On
May 21, 2024San Francisco Sailing,sf sailing,sailing,meditation,mindfulness,meditation and sailing,stress release,blue mind,serotonin,feel good hormones,stress reduction,water therapy,red mind,meditative states,charter a yacht,
The Sea: I need the sea because it teaches me, I don’t know if I learn music or awareness, If it’s a single wave or its vast existence, Or only its harsh voice or its shining suggestion of fishes and ships. The fact is that until I fall…
Are Fun, Better Health, and Hassle-Free Boating Good Reasons To Join A Boating Club?
Joining a Boating Club And Experience The Excitement of Boating And Better Health The allure of boating is irresistible for any of us who love the feeling of freedom. It is one of those sports that opens us up to big blues spaces and…
Choosing the Perfect Yacht for Your Charter Adventure
May 14, 2024San Francisco Sailing,powerboat,yachts,luxury yachts,sf sailing,sailing,catamaran,charters,San Francisco Charter,angel island,charter a yacht,boat rental,site-seeing,charter a yacht,
Choosing the Perfect Yacht for Your Yacht Charter Adventure Are you dreaming of an adventurous and luxurious yacht charter on the iconic San Francisco Bay? Experiencing the thrilling sights and sounds of sailing under the Golden Gate…
Family Benefits Of Boating
March 15, 2024San Francisco Sailing,powerboat,boating,sf sailing,Boat club,Boating Resources,sailing,boating lifestyle,powerboat lessons,boat rental. yacht charter,site-seeing,meditation,charter a yacht,
Boating, It’s Benefits For Families and Kids Of All Ages - Sharing, Learning, and Connecting Together The world offers a myriad of activities for families to participate in, in fact it can be overwhelming trying to decide what will be…
What Is Emotional Intelligence & How To Get It
February 26, 2024meditation,mindfulness,emotional intelligence,EQ,Self awareness,self regulation,empathy,meditation + sailing,charter a yacht,
Increase Your Must-Have Skill of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) How Meditation & Mindfulness Develops EQ And Helps It Grow The often ignored, and these days considered the more critical cousin of I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient), is…
Why We LOVE Winter Boating On San Francisco Bay
February 22, 2024San Francisco Sailing,boating lifestyle,powerboat lessons,angel island,site-seeing,winter weather,charter a yacht,
Why We LOVE Winter Boating On San Francisco Bay The Surprising Facts Of Winter Boating On The Bay Winter is here, but that doesn’t mean we’re housebound by the weather for us Bay Area boaters. Boating year-round in the Bay is…
February 15, 2024San Francisco Sailing,sailing,boating lifestyle,women sailors,mindfulness,meditation + sailing,health benefits of sailing,meditation and sailing,stress release,charter a yacht,
THE MEDITATION OF SAILING As the sailboat glides across the shimmering San Francisco Bay, the hustle and bustle of daily life fades into stillness. The gentle splash of waves against the hull settles into a rhythmic pattern, as the…
11 Benefits Of Meditation Backed By Science
February 5, 2024sailing,meditation,mindfulness,mindfulness meditation,sailing and meditation,outdoor meditation,mindfulness and sailing,charter a yacht,
11 Benefits Of Meditation Backed By Science In recent years, meditation, especially mindfulness meditation, has become increasingly popular headlining its way through news stories and a hot topic for research in health publications. It's…
Get On A Boat And Get Happy - Naturally!
October 26, 2023San Francisco Sailing,boating,sailing,charters,boating lifestyle,health benefits of ocean,site-seeing,ocean,oceans waves,charter a yacht,
Happiness Is As Close As The Water “All of us have in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean, and therefore, we have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are tied to the Ocean. And…
Chartering A Yacht? Sailing Terminology You Should Know When Stepping On Board in 2023
August 25, 2023San Francisco Sailing,Boating Resources,catamaran,charters,boating life,boating lifestyle,charter a yacht,boat rental. yacht charter,boat rental,Sailing Tips,Boating Education,charter a yacht,charter a yacht on san francisco bay,
Navigating the Seas of Sailing Terminology: A Comprehensive Guide For Yacht Chartering Sailing, the age-old art of harnessing the power of the wind to cross oceans, has captivated the human imagination for centuries. Beyond its romantic…
August 10, 2023boat rental. yacht charter,escape from alcatraz,site-seeing,iconic sites of san francisco bay,hiking,marin county,goden gate bridge,charter,ALCATRAZ ISLAND,boat rental,San Francisco Sailing,charter a yacht,angel island,charters,sailing,yachts,powerboat,charter a yacht on san francisco bay,charter a yacht,
ICONIC SITES OF SAN FRANCISCO BAY BY PRIVATE CHARTER YACHT San Francisco has many wonders, stunning vistas, and iconic sites. There are too many to mention here. However, a great way to see a few of the most famous can be chartering a…
2023 San Francisco Fleet Week - The Best Views For The Air Show
August 6, 2023charter a yacht,2023 fleet week air show,fleet week,air show,blue angels air show,october fleet week,charter a yacht for fleet week,air show yacht charter,boat rental,Boating lifestyle,charter a yacht,charter a boat,boat rentals,
2023 San Francisco Fleet Week - The Best Views For The Air Show San Francisco fleet week is a weeklong event beginning on October 2, 2023, and running through October 10, 2023. Fleet Week honors the men and women (and canine heroes!) of…
How Much Does It Cost To Charter A Yacht on San Francisco Bay in 2023?
June 16, 2023Boating Resources,catamaran,charters,boating life,boating lifestyle,charter a yacht,charter a yacht on san francisco bay,charter a boat,cost to charter a yacht,boat rentals,boat rental. yacht charter,Charter Yachts & Adventures,charter a yacht,charter a yacht on san francisco bay,charter a boat,boat rentals,
How Much Does It Cost To Charter A Yacht On San Francisco Bay? Many people see boats on San Francisco Bay and wonder how much it would cost to be on board a sailing or motor yacht cruising across the bay enjoying sites like Angel Island,…
Feeling A Bit Queasy? 8 Natural and Effective Seasickness Remedies
April 22, 2023seasickness,curing seasickness,natural remedies for seasickness,cure seasickness,ginger for seasickness,boating safety,boaters gear,Boating lifestyle,
Deborah Reynolds 4/22/23 Mal de mer? Experiencing a bit of seasickness? Here are 8 Natural and Effective Seasickness Remedies When it comes to feeling seasick, you’re in good company, and famous company with the likes of sailors…
The First Female Crew To Sail Around The World - Tracy Edwards And The Story Of Maiden
March 8, 2023boating lifestyle,sailboat racing,women sailors,women racing sailboats,women sailing,whitbread race,round the world race,yacht racing,women crew on sailboats,yacht racing,ocean racing,around the world races,sailboat racing,women sailing,
The Remarkable True Story of Maiden; The King, the Sailor, and the Open Sea Tracy Edwards on racing around the world with an all-female crew, the groundbreaking journey captured in the new documentary Maiden. ARTICLE BY MARY ALICE…
10 Famous Women Seafarers, Pirates & Sailors Who Made History
March 3, 2023women sailors,female sailors,women pirates,sirens of the sea,mermaids,women seafarers,circumnavigation,around the world,Beneteau & Lagoon Used Yachts,
Women's Wild History Of The Sea - Cross-Dressing Women and Record Breakers It's not a surprise that one of the oldest and most well-known superstitions in yachting is that it was believed that having a women on board a ship was bad…
Anchoring On San Francisco Bay Series: ANCHORING AT AYALA COVE
February 21, 2023Boating Resources,charters,boating life,boating lifestyle,sf sailing,san francisco bay,anchoring,anchoring on san francisco bay,angel island,cruising,ayala cove,boat rentals,anchoring,cruising,boating safety,Boating Education,Sailing Tips,Boating Gear,Charter Yachts & Adventures,
ANCHORING AT AYALA COVE - WHAT YOU CAN DO AT ANGEL ISLAND STATE PARK Imagine a beautiful Island Paradise just a few tacks away. Well, you don’t have to imagine because we have one right in the heart of San Francisco Bay not far from…
5 Key Considerations When Buying A Used Boat in 2023
February 13, 2023used boats,boating,Boating Resources,how to buy,boats for sale in sf,buy a used boat,marine surveys,boat repairs,buying a used boat,Used Boats Sales,used boats,
Used boats give you a number of important advantages over new, especially in these days of runaway inflation and stressed-out supply chains. The immediate advantage of used is that they are recession proof. Their value is not based on cost…
Bourbon Eggnog Cocktail For The Holiday Season
December 22, 2022Boating lifestyle
Boozy Bourbon Eggnog Recipe for Two Excerpted from the blog 2 foodtrippers JUMP TO RECIPE Our boozy Bourbon Eggnog recipe is both decadently delicious and ridiculously easy to make for just two people. In other words, the boozy…
Personal Locator Beacon review: FastFind and ResQLink Compared
Personal Locator Beacon review: FastFind and ResQLink head to head This review was featured in YACHTING WORLD February 11, 2022 Locator Beacon review: We take a hands on look at the McMurdo FastFind Return Link launched…
On Our Radar - Garmin Quatix 7 Review
November 28, 2022Boating Resources,boating lifestyle,sailing watches,boating watches,GPS,garmin,gifts for boaters,interface with electronics,marine gear,boaters gear,sailors watches,Sunglasses,
Garmin Quatix 7 Quick Review - Is it for you? With a focus on anglers, boaters and sailors, Garmin released the Quatix 7 series which is available in three editions, with a single option for each edition. These include the Standard…
Sailing The Galapagos Islands
November 27, 2022Used Boats Sales,Sailing Tips,Boating Education,boating safety,save the oceans,sailing charters,cruising
From Yachting World November 23, 2022 Sailing to the Galapagos Islands requires extensive preparation, but the rewards are other-worldly, as Jessie Zevalkink discovered The first morning of passage sailing to the Galapagos…
How To Fit Children's Life Jackets
November 21, 2022Charter Yachts & Adventures,Boating Gear,Boating Education,powerboat,boating clothes,boating safety
How do you fit a life jackets for your children? Let's get the legal out of the way first. U.S. federal law requires that every boat has one life jacket per person on board. Additionally, the Coast Guard requires children under 13 to…
Choosing The Best Boat Shoes
November 19, 2022Beneteau & Lagoon Used Yachts,Boating Gear,powerboat,boating clothes
Boat Shoes Buying Guide This article was featured in Style and comfort, boat shoes are a unique blend of both these aspects. These incredible shoes allow you to dazzle your look at different occasions. Be it a classy…
15 Ways to Help Protect the Ocean and Coasts, Regardless of Where You Live
November 15, 2022Charter Yachts & Adventures,Sailing Tips,Boating Education,boating safety,protect the oceans
This article was featured in Since releasing the first stainless steel, BPA-free reusable water bottle in 2004, our friends at Klean Kanteen have stayed true to their mission. They work hard to bring benefit to…
Do you have your California Boaters Card?
October 23, 2022boating,powerboat lessons,Beneteau & Lagoon Used Yachts,Boating Lessons,Boating Club,Boating Education,powerboat,powerboat lessons,boater's card,california boaters card,
Do you have your California Boaters Card yet? Remember to get your California Boaters Card this year if you're 45 years or younger. As of January 1, 2022, California law requires that all boaters 45 years of age or younger carry the…
How to Obtain Your MMSI Number
October 20, 2022Beneteau & Lagoon Used Yachts
We get this question all the time, so we decided to do a blog post for our inquiring clients. Although VHF radios are not required on recreational boats under 65.5 feet long, you should have one for the obvious safety reasons. It allows…
October 8, 2022how to buy,how to sell my used boat,buy a used boat,Used Boats Sales,
A LITTLE BIT IF KNOWLEDGE CAN SAVE YOU A WHOLE LOT OF TROUBLE Used boats can offer a great value or a big headache. How can you know what you're getting into before you take the leap and close the deal? Get some…
What Is the Best Marketplace to List Boats for Sale?
October 6, 2022boats for sale,boat for sale,boats for sale in sf,how to sell my used boat,Used Boats Sales,Boating Education,
When it comes time to sell your boat, you don’t want to spend months showing your boat every weekend to unqualified buyers and waiting for offers only for them to be below market value. This costs not only your patience but also your…
NEW: How Boat Clubs Work & 5 Reasons You Should Join Ours
January 31, 2022San Francisco Sailing,powerboat,beneteau,boating,yachts,luxury yachts,sf sailing,Boat club,Boating Club,
Interested in boat clubs just unsure how they work? Are you interested in exploring the boating lifestyle but not sure if you're ready to invest in a new or used boat? Do you want to enjoy a boating lifestyle without all the costs of…
National Absurdity Day - Join The Fun!
November 20, 2020San Francisco Sailing,powerboat,beneteau,boating,yachts,luxury yachts,Boating Resources,sailing,lagoon,boating life,National Absurdity Day,Events,
"Absurdity, which refers to the illogical, unreasonable or nonsensical has been widely studied and written about. In fiction and humor, the absurd is usually used to make a nuanced point about human behavior. Lewis Carol's Alice in…
Stranded On A Desert Island Contest Results
October 21, 2020used boats,San Francisco Sailing,beneteau,Boating Resources,catamaran,brokerage,lagoon,boating lifestyle,how to buy,powerboat lessons,Events,
Recently we had a Stranded On A Desert Island Contest, where we had participants pretend they were dropped off by a cruise ship at a deserted island for a tour.
Stranded on a desert island
October 20, 2020used boats,San Francisco Sailing,beneteau,Boating Resources,catamaran,brokerage,lagoon,boating lifestyle,how to buy,powerboat lessons,Events,
Let's play a little game where you are stranded. You're on a cruise ship, and it's dropped you at a deserted island for a tour. It accidentally left you there and you find yourself stranded. It will never return! Frequently used…
4 Quick Tips For Boat Buyers
September 29, 2020used boats,catamaran,brokerage,how to buy,powerboat lessons,charter placement,Used Boats Sales,
Needing some tips for boat buyers? There's lots of benefits to boat ownership. The main ones are stress reduction, exercise, connecting with your family and nature more intimately, keeping a sharp mind by learning new skills, and of…
3 Reasons Why Now Is The Best Time To Consider Selling Your Boat
September 10, 2020San Francisco Sailing,powerboat,beneteau,boating,yachts,luxury yachts,Boating Resources,sailing,brokerage,boating lifestyle,COVID 19,boats for sale in san francisco,Used Boats Sales,
Is your boat just sitting at the dock? If so, it might be time to consider selling your boat or trading it in for one that's better suited to your lifestyle these days. Here's why.
Resources: Create Your Own Adventure Story
May 22, 2020San Francisco Sailing,powerboat,beneteau,boating,yachts,luxury yachts,Boating Resources,sailing,lagoon,Powerboating Club,Boating Education,
Are you ready to start creating your own life adventure story? This week we have resources to inspire you to take the leap of faith in creating your own boating adventure.
NEW: 3 Adventure Resources
May 14, 2020powerboat,Monthly Raffle,shelter in place,COVID 19,San Francisco Charter,charters,lagoon,brokerage,catamaran,sailing,Boating Resources,sf sailing,luxury yachts,yachts,boating,beneteau,San Francisco Sailing,Charter Yachts & Adventures,
We're excited to announce 3 new adventure resources that will for sure help you learn and explore while respecting social distancing during these times.
3 Resources To Grow Your Boating Passion
May 1, 2020San Francisco Sailing,powerboat,beneteau,boating,yachts,luxury yachts,sf sailing,Boating Resources,sailing,catamaran,brokerage,lagoon,charters,COVID 19,shelter in place,Boating Education,
Learn how to grow your boating passion while the shelter in place order due the COVID 19 has forced us all to stay home in order to keep everyone safe! Although it's been difficult and challenging especially for those of us who love to be…
What is AIS and do you need it?
February 8, 2019Automatic Identification System,AIS,Boating Education,
What is an Automatic Identification System (AIS)?